Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’: Kody Brown’s Rapid Ramble on Social Media – Is He Cracking Under Pressure?

Sister Wives star Kody Brown looked as if he was under a lot of stress and his pressured speech seemed to back that up in his latest posted video.

He apologized for talking so fast to his TLC fans, but he said he had very little time to say what he needed to say in this fan-purchased video.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown Comes Undone at the Seams?

Kody Brown’s presentation was odd and fans can’t quite figure out what is going on with him. He and the other Sister Wives stars, except for Robyn Brown, do personal fan videos for a fee.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown
Sister Wives: Kody Brown – Image Credit Cameo

But one of his latest videos has Kody Brown looking and acting so frazzled that fans ask if he’s cracking under life’s pressures. Right now the once-husband of four is a hubby of one.

Three of his brides are no longer his wives so, his polygamous lifestyle now defaults to monogamy. While his ex-wives are no longer around him in person, he probably can’t get away from them.

Everywhere you look online one of these Sister Wives brides seems to pop up. But the message they’re sending may swat at Kody Brown.

Kody Offers Parenting Advice

In this video, Kody gives some high-speed parenting advice. His tips start with “love the children” and he also claims that you need to hold them accountable.

The Sister Wives father of 18 goes on and on about loving them all the same. It almost looks as if he’s addressing the things he was slammed with by his family members. Christine Brown claimed he favored some of the kids, as did a couple of his adult children.

So, Kody says to love your kids all the same in this video. It could just be a just a coincidence, but it sounds just like the issue that Christine had with him.

Sister Wives: Wait a Minute… a Publicity Stunt?

Kody doesn’t say why he is so much on edge while doing this video. He only reports that he’s tried to do it for five days and wasn’t able to. His apology for talking so fast comes with the excuse that “I only get a minute here.”

But a minute was a stretch, as this Sister Wives’ celeb video lasted all of 53 seconds. That has to be very disappointing to the fan who likely paid at least $99, which is his starting rate for a personal video.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown
Image Credit Cameo

But the Sister Wives patriarch has people talking about this. Sister Wives Season 18 is in the works right now, so maybe this nervous-looking Kody Brown weaved an unhinged presentation in for a bit of publicity?

After losing three out of four Sister Wives’ spouses, fans are obviously curious how he’s holding up in the aftermath.  All three wives who jumped ship report their new direction in life is just wonderful. So, they are gathering a lot of attention today.

Maybe Kody won’t be undercut in the publicity department, so he may have set out to trump them. If that is the case, it’s working because he’s got tongues wagging about this today.

If this video is any indication, next season we may just find Kody unraveling as his ex-wives bask in the glory of going solo.


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