Little People Big World

Little People, Big World: Amy Roloff’s Car Broken Into – Fears Identity Theft

Amy Roloff from Little People, Big World deals with her car getting broken into. She fears that she could face identity theft if important documents were taken out of her car. She is also questioning her safety in her neighborhood.

Little People, Big World: Amy Roloff Forgets to Lock Car Doors

Amy Roloff recently dealt with a scary incident. She admits that she doesn’t know what to think about it. But she explains that she had her house cleaner come over, and she was chatting with the TLC star’s neighbor. She told her to be careful because there had been a lot of robberies in the neighborhood. She reminded everyone to make sure that they locked their cars.

Little People Big World: Amy Roloff
Amy Roloff | Instagram

The Little People, Big World reality star says that the one time she forgets to lock her car door, it gets broken into. She explains that the glove compartment was thrown open, and things were everywhere. She had a little bit of money in the middle console. However, she isn’t sure what else they got. She admits to not having an updated insurance card in there.

Amy is mad because her car was broken into the first time in a very long time she forgot to lock the car doors. Although she is glad that there was no damage to her car. But she still feels violated. It was a scary incident for her to deal with, and it was also very upsetting for her.

Amy Questions Safety in Neighborhood

Amy thinks that if someone is breaking into people’s cars, they should be a little more productive. She doesn’t understand why kids, teens, or even adults have to break into vehicles to get things. She doesn’t know why people out there just want to take things that aren’t theirs.

The Little People, Big World cast member doesn’t know what is happening in the world. Amy also questions what is happening to her neighborhood. She thought she was living somewhere safe, and then something like this happened to her. However, she is thankful that she is okay, that her house is okay, and that her car is also okay.

Little People Big World: Amy Roloff
Little People, Big World | Instagram

Little People, Big World Celeb Worries about Identity Theft

Amy Roloff hopes that nothing else comes at her from this incident. She worries about something worse coming out of this incident, such as identity theft. She doesn’t know what else these thieves could have taken from her car. So, she has to keep an eye out for that.

The Little People, Big World celeb tells people to watch out and be careful. Amy also reminds people to be mindful and safe in their surroundings. However, she knows that you can never fully be safe. So, she relies on her faith and prayers to keep everyone as safe as possible. There is a good chance she will always double-check that she didn’t forget to lock her car moving forward.

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